Vector Spaces

Before we even began to define the vector space we need to introduce some notation which will use later on. So we introduce these couple of notations:
               1)      R and C will represent the set of real and complex numbers respectively. Real and complex numbers will be called real and complex scalars. The set of all integers will be called Z, and set of natural numbers will be N,
                2)      The organized n-tuple of scalars is every series of n-tuple scalars. The organized n-tuple of scalars will be written with a pair of brackets. For example if x1,x2,…,xn given scalars, then the organized n-tuple of scalars will be written in the following form: (x1,x2,…,xn) and this will represent the organized n-tuple of those scalars.  x1 is in first position, x2 is on a second position ect. The set of n-tuple scalars (x2,x1,…,xn) isn’t equal to the previous organized n-tuple of scalars.         
                 3)      With Vn or Rn we will label the set of all organized n-tuple real numbers. Word “All” represents all of n-tuple, each of which is in the form x=(x1,x2,…,xn),wherein each xi is arbitrary real number. If we write x,y,z e Vn that means that x,y and z are organized n-tuple of real numbers. Their components are xi,yi and zi or: X=(x1,x2,…,xn),y=(y1,y2,…,yn) and z=(z1,z2,…,zn).
                  4)      N-tuple of complex numbers will be written with small Latin letters, but we will indicate that their components are complex numbers. The set of all n-tuple will be labeled with Cn. For example Z=(z1,z2,…,zn) and W=(w1,w2,…,wn) are from Cn, if zi and wi are elements of complex set Cn for every 1<i<n.
                  5)      The general vector spaces will also be denoted with large Latin letters, and their elements (vectors) will be denoted with small Latin letters. Sets and subsets will be denoted with large Latin or calligraphic letters. For example S or A.

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